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DKC Incel Pool

Once again, with help from DKC Incel, and our friends from Samit Nesvrstanih, our miniramp slowly started turning into a pool. It took less than two weeks during the second half of March 2024.

As usual, we first needed to build the supporting structure. The wall was much bigger this time since it had to wrap around. A small skate workshop also happened during the construction.

We did not have to mix our concrete this time which sped up the work significantly. Thanks to everyone who helped. A special shout-out goes to Gregor Kuzmić from Wallnut for supplying us with shaping tools and his hard work.

DKC Incel Miniramp

With financial support from DKC Incel and help from our friends from Samit Nesvrstanih, we managed to pull off this project within a week’s work in the first half of November 2023. Thank you Vesna, Ena, Miljan and Soda.

The first half of the process was building the support wall, setting up the wood forms, and filling them up with blocks, gravel, and anything else we found suitable. We were lucky to have a nearby excavator drop off a few buckets of demolition waste, which we used in the filling process.

Work progressed quickly in the second half. On the first day, we poured the concrete atop the quarter pipes. The following day was the most productive, with both quarterpipes completed. All that was left was the middle section. We managed to finish it the next day despite nagging rain.

Kampus DIY Upgrade

Kampus DIY in Banjaluka received this cool rainbow rail upgrade.

A quick line right after the installation had been completed.